Vivid Language - About Audio Description

Audio Description Podcasts - April 2024

This is a blog that mostly focuses on the art, craft and promotion of audio description. At the moment, I find the best conversations on those topics come from podcasts. Here is a round-up of all the podcasts of interest from April 2024.

Honourable Mention

If you're interested in writing audio description you're interested in writing, you're interested in language. Big Ideas is a regular podcast from the ABC and their April 24th episode is all about language.

How to challenge political spin with straight talk — Richard Denniss, Joelle Gergis, Yanis Varoufakis, Tom Keneally.

It's a fun and vigorous discussion of the decoding of business vernacular, political spin and financial jargon, and how meaningless and silly it is.

If you love the English language, and hate the way debate is framed in the media by people who solemnly make pronouncements that seem reasonable in jargon, this is essential listening.

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